Purpose of the Coalition

Pride Flag.

The Chicago Coalition of Welcoming Churches is a collaboration of more than 80 churches and other ministries in the Chicago metropolitan area which welcome and affirm people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. We have two goals:

  • To spread the message of our members' LGBTQ-inclusion across the Chicago metropolitan area, mindful that a positive message about sexual and family diversity is a gift to all people.
  • To connect the leaders, members, and guests of our partner churches for fellowship and education, enabling support and resource-sharing for the practices of faithful welcome.

Join or Renew Your Partnership

Unitarian Church of Evanston

Nurturing the Human Spirit for a World Made Whole

1330 Ridge Ave
Evanston, IL 60201




Other Information

We Are Unitarian Universalists
by Marta Flanagan

We believe that personal experience, conscience, and reason should be the final authorities in religion. In the end religious authority lies not in a book, person, or institution, but in ourselves. We put religious insights to the test of our hearts and minds.

We affirm the worth of all women and men. We believe people should be encouraged to think for themselves. We know people differ in their opinions and lifestyles, and we believe these differences generally should be honored.

We seek to act as a moral force in the world, believing that ethical living is the supreme witness of religion. The here and now and the effects our actions will have on future generations deeply concern us. We know that our relationships with one another, with diverse peoples, races, and nations, should be governed by justice, equity, and compassion.


Marta Flanagan graduated from Smith College and received her master of divinity from Harvard Divinity School. She is co-minister at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

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