Purpose of the Coalition

Pride Flag.

The Chicago Coalition of Welcoming Churches is a collaboration of more than 80 churches and other ministries in the Chicago metropolitan area which welcome and affirm people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. We have two goals:

  • To spread the message of our members' LGBTQ-inclusion across the Chicago metropolitan area, mindful that a positive message about sexual and family diversity is a gift to all people.
  • To connect the leaders, members, and guests of our partner churches for fellowship and education, enabling support and resource-sharing for the practices of faithful welcome.

Join or Renew Your Partnership

St. Luke's Episcopal Church

939 Hinman Ave (corner of Hinman and Lee)
Evanston, IL 60202




Other Information

St. Luke's Episcopal Church is an inclusive, progressive Christian community. The congregation that gathers for worship reflects the diversity of our surrounding urban/suburban community. Celebrating the image of God in every person, we gladly welcome all individuals - regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic class, marital and familial status, mental and physical abilities, and religious background. Whether you are searching for a church home or simply visiting, you are welcome to worship with us anytime.

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