Grace Baptist Church (ABCUSA)
This congregation contributed to the CCWC during 2023!
1020 West Bryn Mawr Avenue
Chicago, IL 60660
Take the Red el line to the Bryn Mawr stop and walk east a block to Kenmore.
Mission Statement
To create a Christ-centered community calling all people, as partners, to proclaim and practice the transforming Good News of God's Grace.
Other Information
At Grace, we are LIVING God's acceptance here. You'll find in this acceptance the blessing you need to live out YOUR call as a person of faith. In the
classic Baptist tradition, we affirm individuals of all backgrounds in their right and duty to live out this call. Grace Baptist Church was founded 15
years ago, when a Bible Study on the book of Acts inspired a group of friends to start a church faithful to the Holy Spirit's expanding welcome of all
people. In 1992, we partnered with the American Baptist Churches-USA in order to have wider fellowship and mission opportunities.
From its beginning, Grace has had a ministry of welcome and acceptance to gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender persons and their friends. Grace
has provided a safe space to worship, to grow in faith, to reclaim and sift through religious upbringing, and to experience a renewed faith--often after
years of isolation and rejection at the hands of other Christians. Through our years of life together, we have discovered that these truths undergird
our ministry:
*The Good News of God's unconditional love is for EVERYBODY!
*People are disconnected from or wounded by the institutional church in many ways-and the Body of Christ needs places of helping and forgiveness
to restore people to their calling as Christian disciples.
*Simple acceptance offered like a cup of cold water is life-changing ministry on behalf of Christ.
*People who receive God's acceptance are renewed and empowered for Christian service.
There is space for you here to be just where you are, exactly who you are. We invite you to journey with us and experience the refreshment of Christian
love and hospitality.