Purpose of the Coalition

Pride Flag.

The Chicago Coalition of Welcoming Churches is a collaboration of more than 80 churches and other ministries in the Chicago metropolitan area which welcome and affirm people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. We have two goals:

  • To spread the message of our members' LGBTQ-inclusion across the Chicago metropolitan area, mindful that a positive message about sexual and family diversity is a gift to all people.
  • To connect the leaders, members, and guests of our partner churches for fellowship and education, enabling support and resource-sharing for the practices of faithful welcome.

Join or Renew Your Partnership

First United Church of Oak Park

848 Lake Street
Oak Park, IL 60301




Other Information

First United Church of Oak Park was formed in 1975 by the merger of First Presbyterian Church of Oak Park and First Congregational Church of Oak Park. As the successor of these two congregations, First United carries on a tradition of ministry in this community dating back many years.

The new, united congregation sold one of its two church buildings, and used the proceeds to form the Special Mission Endowment Fund. The earnings from this investment are restricted for mission giving. Grants have supported many start-up organizations and ongoing advocacy and justice efforts in Oak Park, the Chicago metropolitan area, and around the world.

First United has cherished and been challenged by its heritage of mission and service. But the focus remains on the future - new forms of ministry that address and nurture its members and the needs of the world.

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