Purpose of the Coalition

Pride Flag.

The Chicago Coalition of Welcoming Churches is a collaboration of more than 80 churches and other ministries in the Chicago metropolitan area which welcome and affirm people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. We have two goals:

  • To spread the message of our members' LGBTQ-inclusion across the Chicago metropolitan area, mindful that a positive message about sexual and family diversity is a gift to all people.
  • To connect the leaders, members, and guests of our partner churches for fellowship and education, enabling support and resource-sharing for the practices of faithful welcome.

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Thank You

Euclid Avenue United Methodist Church

This congregation contributed to the CCWC during 2022!

405 South Euclid Avenue
Oak Park, IL 60302




Reconciling Statement

All are welcome at Euclid Avenue United Methodist Church. Since 1988, Euclid's congregation has been a part of the Reconciling Ministries Network, seeking full inclusion of all people in the United Methodist Church in both polity and practice. This is God's house; we are God's children. We do not presume to restrict whom God may call to worship and service. Each of us benefits from the unique, God-given characteristics of others. Our diversity reminds us of the richness of God's nature. Euclid, therefore, openly welcomes all, regardless of status, including race, ethnicity, age, marital or economic status, ability, gender, national origin, sexual orientation or gender identity, to fully participate in its programs, to the service of God and to the kinship of this community. All ministries will be offered to all members of the church. We embrace the radically inclusive Gospel of Jesus Christ. ALL MEANS ALL

Passed by Euclid Avenue UMC Adminstrative Council, September 2007

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