Congregational United Church of Christ
1001 West Kirchoff Road
Arlington Heights, IL 60005
Our Vision
“To be a community of Christ taking God’s word and work into the world.”
Our Mission
“To grow disciples for Christian Service.”
Our Values
- Inclusiveness - We welcome and affirm all persons as precious children of God.
- Discipleship - We encourage and nurture the use of our God given gifts so that we may become involved, committed and empowered to minister.
- Worship - We joyfully praise God with biblically centered worship that is spiritually fulfilling and musically alive.
- Spiritual Growth - We nurture individual spiritual development through a variety of Christian experiences.
- Outreach - We are called to continue Christ’s servant ministry by caring and doing for others in the community and the world.
- Testament - We will, through our works and words, spread the message of God’s love to those we encounter.
- Stewardship - We ask all to commit their time, talent and treasure in service to God.
- Fellowship - We value Christian fellowship within our congregation and with other faith communities.
- Courage - We stand up for what we prayerfully believe to be God’s direction.
Adopted 2003
Open and Affirming Statement
The Congregational United Church of Christ in Arlington Heights, IL, in accordance with our shared value of inclusiveness, declares itself open
and affirming. We welcome and accept into the full life and ministry of our church people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. We
maintain that every person has sacred worth as a unique creation made in the image of God. We believe that human sexuality is a gift from God.
We reach out to those who are disenfranchised from the religious community, and we seek growth and understanding as we continue toward inclusiveness.
Adopted June 10, 2007